John Stewart Methodist Church Mission/Ministry Opportunities
The members of John Stewart Methodist Church being aware of the rich heritage that is theirs, also seek to serve this present age in the spirit of its early founders that the name of Jesus Christ may be known among all people as Savior and God be known as Heavenly Father. Through John Stewart there are various opportunities for mission and ministries and a few are highlighted below. Contact the John Stewart Office for details or click the appropriate link below for more details on the specified mission/ministry opportunity.
- Women in Faith: Myrta Moody Circle, Susannah Hope Circle, and Sisters in Faith
- Prayers and Squares Chapter 968
- Card Ministry
- Sharing Musical Talent Opportunities:
- Bell Choir
- Praise Team
- The Compassionate Friends
- Prayer Opportunities
- John Stewart Charter Organization of Club Scout Pack 125 and Boy Scout Troop 125